Myths About San Francisco: Debunking 10 Common Myths About SF

Jill at the Golden Gate Bridge

by Jill Loeffler  •

Have you ever wondered about some of the most common myths about San Francisco? SF is an exciting place with a rich history and visitors from around the world. As often happens with wonderful and mysterious cities like San Francisco, many stories evolve over the years. 

Some of these San Francisco legends are true. Some of them are false. And some of them are a combination of both. I'll do my best to debunk the 10 most famous myths about SF.

If you have heard ones I didn't mention, and want to know more, feel free to ask them in the comment section below and I'll be sure to answer them! 

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1. The Golden Gate Bridge is Painted End to End Every Year

Golden Gate Bridge through trees, from the walk up to Twin Peaks

There is an SF myth floating around that the Golden Gate Bridge is painted from end to end every year. While the bridge is continually painted, it's not painted from end to end every year. 

The painters on the bridge work with inspectors to determine which areas of the bridge need to be repainted. They then work on small areas of the bridge daily to keep it looking gorgeous and to keep travelers safe as the cross over this historic bridge.

Fun Fact: The Golden Gate Bridge was not originally intended to be orange. The US Navy considered painting it with black and yellow stripes for visibility, but the architect loved the look of the "International Orange," which was meant to be only a sealant. Find 25 Things You Probably Did Not Know About San Francisco.

2. There are Dangerous Sharks Around Alcatraz

One of the first pieces of information the prisoners at Alcatraz were told when they arrived is that the SF Bay was full of dangerous sharks.

The idea was to discourage prisoners from attempting an escape since it would be too dangerous. This rumor spread, and now many people think the SF Bay is full of deadly sharks.

One of the reasons that this SF myth stayed alive was that there are sharks in the SF Bay.

However, most of the species are smaller and harmless. You will find sharks such as the Pacific spiny dogfish, broadnose sevengill shark, and the leopard shark. (You can see some of these up close in the Aquarium of the Bay on Pier 39.)

That being stated, great white sharks do come into the bay from time to time but are not that common. It is rare to see sharks at the Golden Gate Bridge or farther from the ocean.

In October 2015, a great white was spotted eating a seal near Alcatraz Island. This was the first time a great white had been spotted in the SF Bay in many, many years. 

Planning to Visit the Aquarium of the Bay?

Get the all-inclusive Go City Pass for admission to this and 30+ more attractions.

3. SF Was Built on 7 Hills

Another common misunderstanding about San Francisco is that it was built on seven hills. Many compare it to other cities such as Rome, which is also built on seven hills.

That fact is that San Francisco is built on more than 40 hills—some say 48, 49, or even over 50. It depends on whether you count the unnamed hills.

There are about seven hills that come to mind immediately when people think about San Francisco, including Nob Hill, Russian Hill, and Telegraph Hill.

The less famous San Francisco hills include Corona Heights, Forest Hill, Rincon Hill, and 40 or so others.

4. No One Has Ever Escaped Alcatraz

Inside Cells at Alcatraz

According to history, it is a well-known "fact" that no one ever successfully escaped Alcatraz Island. Of course, the escape attempts became popular San Francisco urban legends.

However, new information has recently come to light about the 1962 escape attempt by Frank Lee Morris and the two Anglin Brothers. 

For years, many thought that all three of these escapees died while trying to get to shore. Their bodies were never found, and authorities were certain that they didn't get away from the deadly waters.

In recent years, family members released a few pieces of information, including pictures that seem to show the Anglin Brothers alive and well in South America years after their escape. 

The History Channel even did a full hour-long special discussing the possibility of the brothers surviving the escape. This new information seems to debunk this fantastic myth about Alcatraz. (Watch it here.)

>> Learn more about the escapes from Alcatraz

Want to Delve Deeper into Alcatraz History?

Read it from the experts themselves. The Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy published a fascinating book with actual prison records of the 14 escape attempts during the Rock's 29-year history. It is available both at the park store and on Amazon

5. People Became Rich by Panning for Gold During the Gold Rush

The promise of striking it rich during the Gold Rush was probably one of the most successful San Francisco legends that quickly spread at the time.

When gold was found in the Sacramento Valley in 1848, hundreds of thousands of people rushed to the area to make their fortune. Many of these gold seekers first made their way through the then tiny town of San Francisco.

You might have read that many people became rich during the Gold Rush of 1849. The truth is that the people who set up businesses to support the gold rushers' needs are the ones who became wealthy.

Unfortunately for many of those seeking riches in gold because of this original SF myth, they just didn't find enough of it to be able to lead the life of the rich and famous. 

6. Irish Coffee Originated in SF

The Buena Vista Cafe in San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf is famous for their Irish Coffee. Hundreds of people sit at their counter every day to sample this special brew.

Somewhere along the way, word spread that this drink was originally created at the Buena Vista Cafe. This is another one of the many myths about San Francisco.

The drink originates in, of all places, Ireland! The owner of the Buena Vista was traveling there, sampled the delicious drink, got the recipe, and started making it for his customers. They LOVED it, and more and more people came to check out this new "San Francisco" beverage.

Today, you can step inside the Buena Vista, sit at the counter where it's "drinks only," and try their delicious Irish Coffee.

Sample SF's Other Famed Treats

Our ethnic diversity and access to fresh local ingredients means endless culinary innovation. You'll find some of the best spots in the North Beach, Chinatown, and Mission neighborhoods. Skip the lines at the hottest spots on these food walking tours:

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7. Lombard Street is the Crookedest Street in the World

View looking up Lombard Street

This is another one of the well-known myths about San Francisco. Lombard Street is a lovely crooked street in SF's Russian Hill District. Tourists flock to this one-block-long street to take pictures of the world-famous attraction.

Little do they know that it isn't actually the most crooked street in the world, let alone in San Francisco. That honor goes to Vermont Street, which is located in SF's Potrero Hill District.

The difference is that Vermont Street is tucked away in a less traveled district. It also isn't as well marketed or as beautifully manicured as Lombard Street.

Vermont Street, between 20th and 22nd Streets, is easy to get to if you want to check it out on your own. You won't find many tourists here, but you might enjoy this little hidden gem

8. Mark Twain Penned the Famous Quote About SF's Cold Climate

There is a "famous" San Francisco quote by Mark Twain that is often used to describe our cool summers. The quote is "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."

After doing quite a bit of research on this quote, I've found that Mark Twain never said it. While he did travel to San Francisco during his life, this is not something he actually said about our lovely city.

As well as visiting San Francisco, Twain also spent quite a bit of time in Paris. It was often chilly during his stay there and he did comment on how cool it was there late in the summer season.

At some point, his quote about the weather in Paris was rewritten and changed to this common quote about the summers in SF.

San Francisco's Climate

While it might not be a Mark Twain quote, many visitors are taken by surprise by our relatively cold summers. Make sure to come prepared by reading about San Francisco weather and what to wear

9. The Birdman of Alcatraz Had Birds in Alcatraz

Another one of the famous myths about San Francisco is that Robert Stroud got the name "The Birdman of Alcatraz" for having birds while doing time on the Rock.

It was actually during his stay at Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary, the prison he was at before coming to Alcatraz, that he started to care for and learn about birds. He wrote his first book about birds there. 

He was then transferred to Alcatraz after a long stay in Leavenworth. An interesting San Francisco legend that is true is that he was transferred to Alcatraz with no explanation.

The rules in this prison were very strict and he was never actually allowed to have birds in his prison cell. Even though he couldn't have them near him, he did manage to write his second book about the birds he loved during his time in Alcatraz. 

Robert Stroud may have become a respected ornithologist while behind bars, but the idea that this made him a decent person is another myth. 

The movie about his life portrays the "Birdman" as someone who cared about birds and people. The truth is that the guards at Leavenworth let him take care of the birds he found to placate him.

In truth, he spent almost all his time in solitary confinement since he was so violent and sociopathic.

10. SF is the Foggiest Place in the US

Clear Day at the Golden Gate Bridge

I'm sure you've seen the pictures of the fog as it rolls in over the Golden Gate Bridge. Due to the publicity around the fog here, many people believe that it's the foggiest place in the USA. We are happy to say that it is not. 

There are two locations with more fog than San Francisco. One is called Cape Disappointment. Since there is so much fog there, it seems to be a fitting name for this cape in Washington State. The other is much closer and is just to our north, Point Reyes.

Even though we aren't the foggiest, we do get our fair share with more than 100 foggy days every year! 

One more little bit of SF trivia is that the fog actually does have a name. The origin of the "Karl the Fog" moniker is a Twitter account in that name that popped up in 2010.

Now, the San Francisco fog name, Karl—and its personality—have been widely adopted. If you want to sound like a local, just say "Karl the Fog is coming in heavy tonight" if it seems like there's going to be heavy fog.

Learn More about SF on These Tours

Well, there you have it. 10 myths about San Francisco debunked, so you an impress your friends the next time you hear these San Francisco legends. Find out much more and see for yourself on these fantastic tours:

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