Infamous Prisoners of Alcatraz: Details on the Most Famous Prisoners and Inmate Life

Jill on a windy day at the Golden Gate Bridge

ByJill Loeffler  • Updated: January 23, 2025 • Published: November 20, 2011

Discover details on the most infamous prisoners of Alcatraz. Some of the most famous Alcatraz prisoners included Al Capone, George "Machine Gun" Kelly, and Robert Stroud, the "Birdman of Alcatraz."

A quote from Machine Gun Kelly about how hard it is to serve time on Alcatraz.During my last visit, I found this sign in the ferry waiting area. I thought it was an interesting portrayal of how the worst of the worst felt about their time on the island!

Why were Alcatraz prisoners famous? Because The Rock was reserved to house the worst of the worst.

When the prison initially opened as a high-profile maximum-security federal prison, it received the most dangerous prisoners from around the system nationally.

How many prisoners were in Alcatraz? During its time as a prison, more than 1,500 prisoners spent time here. At any given time there were about 260 inmates. It never reached the capacity of 336.

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Visiting Alcatraz Island

The best way to learn about The Rock and those who lived there is by taking a tour, listening to the rangers' talks, and seeing for yourself. I have been numerous times and always learn something new.

Are you interested in visiting? Here are some great deals on combo tours that include a visit to Alcatraz plus a second tour around SF.

So, Who Were Alcatraz's Famous Prisoners?

List of the most famous prisoners of Alcatraz and what they were known for

Read on for details about some of the most famous Alcatraz inmates and their crimes.

Al Capone

al capone biography

Al Capone, Prohibition-era mobster out of Chicago, was one of the most famous prisoners of Alcatraz. He was on the first trainload of prisoners to be sent to the new federal prison in the San Francisco Bay.

In 1934, Capone became known as prisoner number 85. In true Capone style, he immediately tried to manipulate the system to get special treatment here. However, the warden noticed his attempts from Day One and denied any special treatment.

Due to his fame, Capone was a target of attack. In 1936, another inmate stabbed him in the back with a pair of scissors. The other inmate thought he was a snitch and wanted to kill him. Capone's story is that he was stabbed because he wouldn't fund the other inmates' escape attempt.

Learn More: Biography of Al Capone

Robert Stroud, The Birdman of Alcatraz

A photo of the birdman of alcatraz

Robert Stroud, the Birdman of Alcatraz, became one of Alcatraz's famous prisoners in 1942. He was prisoner number 594.

Stroud's fame as "Birdman" came before his days on The Rock, when he kept, studied, and treated birds in his solitary confinement cell at the Federal Penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas.

Due to the stricter rules at Alcatraz, Stroud never had any birds in his cell during his time on the island.

Stroud was a troublesome prisoner most of his life and this behavior continued while in Alcatraz. In 1948, he supported the efforts of a group of prisoners who tried to escape. He also staged a hunger strike with the rest of the prisoners.

Learn More: Robert Stroud, Birdman of Alcatraz

George "Machine Gun" Kelly

machine gun kelly

Machine Gun Kelly was another one of the infamous prisoners of Alcatraz, listed as inmate number 117. His full name was George Kelly Barnes.

Early in life, Kelly worked as a cab driver. He then found that a job as a bootlegger paid a lot more.

His criminal fame grew during his second marriage to Kathryn Thorne, who talked about his crimes to those in other crime circles. This created the famous profile of the criminal we know today.

Kelly raised the stakes of his criminal activity in July of 1933, when he and his wife kidnapped a wealthy businessman and received ransom from the victim's family.

They then ran as fugitives from state to state. Three months later, they were both captured and eventually sentenced to life in prison for the crime.

Machine Gun Kelly started his sentence in Leavenworth Penitentiary in Kansas. While incarcerated, he bragged that he would escape and then break his wife out of prison.

To quickly take care of a potential issue, the warden scheduled his transfer to Alcatraz in 1934. Kelly arrived shortly after Alcatraz opened.

In the beginning, Kelly talked and bragged a lot about his crimes to other prisoners of Alcatraz. He later became remorseful and began to take responsibility for his actions.

Kelly even wrote letters to his victim to apologize for the kidnapping. He received no response.

Kelly was considered a good inmate since he didn't create any additional trouble. Other prisoners documented that they enjoyed getting to know him while they were incarcerated together.

Kelly spent 17 years among the Alcatraz inmates. He was transferred back to Leavenworth in 1951 and died of a heart attack in 1954.

Henri (Henry) Young

Henri Young became famous while serving time on the island. He murdered fellow inmate Rufus McCain.

The murder case highlighted the tough prisoner guidelines and rules for the prisoners of Alcatraz. In a sense, both Young and the Alcatraz prison rules ended up on trial.

Other prisoners considered Young as one of the toughest and meanest inmates ever to step foot inside its doors. He had grown up very poor with parents who fought a lot and separated when he was only 14, which damaged him for life.

Young's life of crime began at the age of 17 when he began stealing. After years of crime, he was caught for robbing a bank with friends in 1934 at the age of 23.

Young received a 20-year sentence for the crime. He started his sentence at McNeil Island, but was such a violent prisoner the warden asked to transfer him to Alcatraz.

He arrived here in 1935 and was inmate number 244. His behavior got continually worse while he was one of the prisoners of Alcatraz. He tried to escape four years after his arrival. The escape attempt occurred with other inmates, including McCain.

The disputes between Young and McCain reportedly started after the failed escape attempt. Several run-ins between the two were documented before the final incident. In December 1940, Young stabbed McCain to death.

After the trial, Young was mainly in solitary confinement, but continued to cause problems until he was transferred out of The Rock in 1948.

Young finished his sentence and was paroled in 1972. He violated his parole by skipping a check-in with his parole officer. Authorities searched and searched for him. He was never found or heard from again.

The movie Murder in the First chronicles Young's life and the trial for the murder of McCain. The movie portrays him as a kinder, gentler person than what other prisoners claimed about him in real life.

This different representation created some question and mystery around his true life and character.

These are just a few of the most infamous prisoners of Alcatraz. If you are interested in learning even more, check out this great selection of Alcatraz prisoner books. You can read some of the stories first-hand from the inmates, guards, and others who interacted with some of the Alcatraz inmates.

Other FAQ About Alcatraz's Famous Prisoners

What Was Life Like for These Prisoners Inside Alcatraz?

This prison was known for its strict rules and tough way of life. The staff worked hard to treat all prisoners the same.

At Alcatraz, each of the inmates had his own cell. From 1934 to 1937, they followed a policy of silence. Alcatraz prisoners were not allowed to communicate with other prisoners or guards unless they requested and received permission to speak.

Their tough schedule started at 7 in the morning and ended at 9:30 every night. The Alcatraz inmates followed the same regimented routine every day.

Those in solitary confinement faced even tougher rules. Since each prisoner already had their own cell, the prison upped the stakes for those in the D Block. The lights were off at all times in this block, making even the most famous Alcatraz inmates suffer.

This tough and isolating environment led to several escape attempts by the Alcatraz prisoners (learn more about the most famous attempts).

How Many Alcatraz Prisoners Are Still Alive Today?

It's hard to know the exact number of survivors of the 1,500 or so prisoners who passed through its gates.

We can be sure that there are very few former Alcatraz inmates still alive today, as the facility closed more than 60 years ago in 1963.

One we do know is alive and well is Bill Baker, now in his 90s, who can occasionally be found autographing his book, Alcatraz #1259, and sharing his stories with visitors at The Rock.

Originally jailed for stealing a car at 18, he escaped the jail, and then the prisons, until he was sent to serve three years in Alcatraz.

While he was not one of the most famous Alcatraz prisoners at the time, today he is certainly a well-known fixture at the now-tourist attraction and national park.

Could there possibly be Alcatraz fugitives out there? If the three men known for their famous Alcatraz prisoners' escape were still alive today, they would also be in their 90s. They would be Frank Morris and brothers John and Clarence Anglin. They successfully left The Rock on June 11, 1962, never to be seen again. 

Where Did the Alcatraz Prisoners Go When It Closed?

Clearing Alcatraz of prisoners for its final closing on March 21, 1963 required a months-long process of moving inmates off the island and sending them by plane out to other maximum security prisons around the country. 

Many went (back) to Leavenworth, Kansas, while others went to McNeil Island, Washington; Lewisburg, Pennsylvania; or Atlanta, Georgia.

As Bill Baker remarked, he and other former Alcatraz prisoners continued meeting each other again and again in prisons for the rest of their lives.

San Francisco City & Alcatraz Tour

Are you ready to book your trip and learn even more about the prisoners of Alcatraz? This combined tour is one of the most popular for visitors. Not only do you get to visit the famed island, but you also get to tour all of the hot spots in the city of San Francisco.

This 8-hour tour takes you by all of the popular San Francisco attractions, including the Golden Gate Bridge, Chinatown, Union Square, and more.

It sells out quickly, so make sure you get your Alcatraz and San Francisco City Tour tickets today!

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